You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held in
         the Folk Hall on 18 July, 2022.  Business will commence at 19.00 hours.

         In view of the personal nature of the business about to be transacted under agenda
         item 8 the Council may decide to exclude the public temporarily from the meeting.

        1      Notices of the meeting, Receipt of Apologies and Approving Reasons for
        2      To Receive Declarations of Interest on any Items on the Agenda
        3      To Receive Reports on Police Matters including the Monthly Update
        4      To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 20 June, 2022
        5       Membership of the Council – Co-option to Casual Vacancies
        6       To Consider Any Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
                 A  Attendance at the YLCA Annual Conference in September

        7       To Receive Correspondence Since the Previous Meeting Other Than That
                 Circulated for Information  
                 A  - Haxby Group – Invitation to First Meeting – 26.7.22

        8       Proposed Changes to Office Accommodation
        9       Planning Consultations

                  22/01258/TCA – West Huntington Hall, Church Lane, Huntington YO32 9RE
                  Remove all the trunk and Upper Canopy Leaving Two Branches at Approximately
                  6.5 m from the Floor – Works to 1 no. Oak Tree in a Conservation Area
                  22/01357/TCA – 34 Chestnut Grove, New Earswick YO32 4BU
                  Fell 1 no Cherry Tree in a Conservation Area
        10      Grants - Section 137
                  A - Application from the Sports Club
                  B - Update from the Local History Group
        11      Possible Re-location of the Defibrillator
        12      Update on Jubilee Events
        13      New Earswick Bowls Club – JRHT Proposals for the Venue

        14      To Approve the Payments Listed Below

                  A  Refund for Purchase of Books                                                45.99 (7.7.22)
                  B  Autela Payroll Services Limited                                               77.64 (7.7.22)
                  C  Salary (July)                                                                          673.35 (20.7.22)

        15      Items for the Next Meeting


         Signed ________________________ Clerk 11 July, 2022





Sally Bruckshaw

Clerk to the Parish Council

The Folk Hall, New Earswick, York YO32 4AQ

Telephone 07391 665639